Please select dates no sooner than 3 days from the current date. For example, if it's Monday, request service for Thursday or later.

We look forward to assisting you

Schedule Service

Fill out the form to schedule routine maintenance or a one-off service appointment for your water system. Our staff will notify you with a confirmation date.


The date and time you request may not be available. We will contact you to confirm your appointment details.


Service visits are $125.00 which includes the trip charge and first 1/2 hour of labor. Labor rates are $120.00 per hour (after the first 1/2 hour billed in 15-minute increments of $30.00 per 15 minutes).

We look forward to assisting you

Schedule Service

Fill out the form to schedule routine maintenance or a one-off service appointment for your water system. Our staff will notify you with a confirmation date.
Please select dates no sooner than 3 days from the current date. For example, if it's Monday, request service for Thursday or later.


The date and time you request may not be available. We will contact you to confirm your appointment details.


Service visits are $125.00 which includes the trip charge and first 1/2 hour of labor. Labor rates are $120.00 per hour (after the first 1/2 hour billed in 15-minute increments of $30.00 per 15 minutes).